Sunday 2 November 2008

its been a while
but im still here

just had half term, in which was was convinced that i could do alot of work..

.... i couldnt

so naturally, here i am on the last day, still with a mountain of shit to do, and very little enthusiasm towards it

good times

been in the studio since last blog recording/producing a few new songs with Bayonets. Really happy with how their sounding... watch this space!

so what did i do instead of all this work?

well... halloween in hereford happened i guess. Many nights out on the trot getting too drunk, spending too much money, being too hung over in the day to get anything done.

should probably start on that work then really...



"I've got to promise that I'll finish all the things I said I'd do to begin with too"

Saturday 25 October 2008


my arms hurt
my fingers are bleeding
my ears feel like they've been taken out of my body and thrown inside a jet engine
my hair's a mess
im hungry
and my throat hurts

it's been a good band practice

"If I can choose, it's only you"

Monday 20 October 2008


happening on the left
not quite an event
but its certainly something worth thinking about

been a good weekend
looks like it might well be a good week too
as long as this pitiful fallacy has
nothing to do with it

video killed the radio
so... lets make a video?

party party hard

(been a long day)


Tuesday 14 October 2008

My hat

here it is:

Real Robots FTW LULZ


FAREWELL roboteers! The series is now over - we hope you’ve enjoyed it"

Saturday 11 October 2008


you know how sometimes you think you're doing everything right

ticking all the boxes, meeting all of your goals and supposedly achieving everything you set out too..

...but something doesn't feel QUITE right anyway, just a niggling thought in the back of your mind that something's a bit missing, you cant put your finger on it but you know it's there?

...i got that

"I'm not afraid of computers taking over the world. They're just sitting there. I can hit them with a two by four"

Thursday 9 October 2008


Today i fought a squirrel

Wednesday 8 October 2008

so, where is this going?

wow im tired

last night was worth it tho, thoroughly geeked out, thoroughly drunk and having an ace time dancing to shit music with a ridiculously large amount of people.

I swear the Jailhouse has never had to turn anyone away before... which is ridiculous because it's not like last night was any different to any other night of the week...

just good promotions/lots of people who like drama i guess

alas, as i seem to say more than i'd expect for only having this for such a short time, today i felt the effects! Im sure i fell asleep atop many random things today, thankfully not whilst driving, but still... a bit odd!

in other news, my band have just been in discussions with a really small label from London about getting a record done, which im really excited about as it's such a massive opportunity, if not for anything else then just for the thrill of the experience! I dont expect alot to come from it, but thats not really the point.

and... the decorator in my house scares me

"Being in a band turns you into a child and keeps you there"